


A revised tax plan that would split local sales tax distributions 50-50 between population 和 point-of-sale was released this week as the 森ate took steps to separate that issue 和 some others from budget negotiations. 修改后的计划是新版本的一部分 HB 117 NC竞争法, which also contains funding for state-level job incentive programs such as the Job Development Investment Grants, 或JDIG. 根据新的HB 117法案, locally-authorized sales taxes would be returned to counties from the state with half the distribution based on a county's population (per capita) 和 half based on w在这里 a sale occurs (point-of- sale). 目前, 75%的销售税以销售点为基础分配给各县, 而人均回报率为25%. The new plan would put the distribution formula into full effect on July 1 of next year 和 does not include any sales tax base expansion or additional local option sales taxes that were included in previous plans. It also maintains county choice as to whether to distribute sales taxes to cities based on per capita or ad valorem percentages.

关于这项新计划的影响,当地的估计是可以的 在这里找到. 在一般情况下, the change continues to direct sales tax money away from urban 和 tourist counties 和 toward rural counties. The revenue shifts are not as substantial as previous versions of the 森ate sales tax reallocation proposals. 在与参议院财政委员会讨论该计划时, 森. 哈利布朗 注意到他与包括365足彩下载在内的一些团体合作,朝着五五分成的方向发展. 森ator Brown also pointed out that a 50-50 split would return sales tax distributions to the way they were done prior to 2007. 直到2007年,地方销售税的分配是人均一半,销售点一半, when the change to 75-25 was made as part of a larger deal involving the state taking on county Medicaid costs. 2007年的销售税转移是让城市县支持医疗补助互换的一种方式, 否则他们就会失去收入. 政府. 帕特·麦克罗里发誓要否决任何包含销售税重新分配条款的法案. 虽然参议院领导人将该计划视为一项妥协方案,但众议院金融委员会联合主席、共和党众议员马克. 比尔布劳利 告诉记者“销售税的分配必须出来. 我们不能在任何程度上妥协."

Action on this bill came less than 24 hours after a press conference at which 森ate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger announced that the 森ate would consider economic development 和 Medicaid reform legislation outside of the budget process. Those two areas had reportedly been key sticking points in attempts to reach a deal with the House on a state budget before the current continuing budget resolution expires one week from today. 新闻发布会结束后不久,参议院共和党核心小组发布了一份题为“参议院妥协推进预算进程.这份新闻稿援引了麦凯恩的话说. 布朗说,“州长. (Pat) McCrory has repeatedly called on the legislature -- both publicly 和 privately -- to adopt a budget that limits spending increases to no more than the rate of inflation plus population growth, 总共21美元.650亿年. ... We encourage our colleagues on the House Appropriations committee to join us in accepting the governor's proposed compromise."

HB 117——如上所述,它包含了限制较少的就业激励资金,以支持a 市政365体育足彩目标 ——参议院将于周一晚上举行全体听证会. The League continues to advocate for revenue flexibility for municipalities that benefits all cities 和 towns 和 gives every community local choices as to how to fund the services their citizens 和 businesses request. 如果你想了解更多关于国联提出的建议, or would like our assistance in connecting with key legislators to discuss issues surrounding municipal revenues, 请与任何会员联络 365足彩下载的政府事务小组. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

众议院本周公布并通过了一项2美元的法案.850亿欧元的债券提案可能会在明年的春季公投中提交给选民. HB 943连接NC债券法案2015 我会放2美元.460亿美元用于州政府建筑以及州和地方基础设施, 9亿美元用于大学系统建设, 5亿美元用于公立学校建设, 7500万美元用于当地的供水和下水道工程. 另外4亿美元将用于道路建设和交通运输.

该计划在某种程度上反映了州长奥巴马提出的一揽子债券计划. 帕特·麦克罗里, 但州长希望将资金平均分配给交通和其他州建筑需求. 参议院将如何看待该计划还有待观察. 自2000年以来,北卡罗来纳州的选民就没有提出过一项重大的债券提案, although legislatures from 2001 through 2010 borrowed money for capital construction using non-general obligation bond methods that did not require voter approval. HB 943将让选民在明年的总统初选中决定债券. 目前在大会上悬而未决的立法要求在3月15日举行选举.

这项立法将起到关键作用 365足彩下载立法倡导目标 呼吁增加交通和基础设施投资, 还有一个有利于地方政府的债券计划. 阅读有关债券提案的媒体报道 在这里在这里. 联系人: 玫瑰威廉姆斯

政府ernor 帕特·麦克罗里 和 Secretary of Cultural Resources Susan Kluttz will host supporters of historic preservation tax credits during a rally next week on the grounds of the State Capitol. 该活动将于周三上午10点开始举行.m. 直到11点.m.,随后还将进行立法机构访问. 这次活动是在克卢茨部长访问该州之后举行的, 在北卡罗来纳的365足彩下载成员的帮助下, 支持恢复历史保护税收抵免. 税收抵免已于1月份到期.

十二月共青团员通过为 立法倡导目标 税收抵免的恢复, 这对整个北卡罗来纳州的市中心修复和经济发展至关重要. 365足彩下载工作人员一直在积极游说立法以实现这一目标. 众议院在预算法案中加入了恢复历史性税收抵免的条款,并获得通过 HB 152新的历史保护税收抵免 做同样的事. 这个问题的解决方案可能会出现在预算法案中, HB 97 2015拨款法案该法案目前正在众议院和参议院之间进行谈判. 你可以回复参加下周三的活动,并找到方向和停车信息, 在这里. 联系人: 斯科特Mooneyham

只有五张反对票和微不足道的辩论, the 森ate cleared a bill Wednesday that would allow builders a property tax exemption on improvements to their properties for a period of time or until the property was sold. 商会的批准已发出 HB 168豁免建筑商库存 回到众议院进行一致投票. The measure runs counter to tax law changes made in recent years that reduced the number of industry-specific tax exemptions in state law, 事实是 森. 鲍勃Rucho 在本周的辩论中,他解释了自己对该法案的反对意见.

The measure would allow property owners to apply for an exemption for up to three years for residential property, 和 up to five years (or until a building permit was issued or the building was sold) for improvements to commercial property like water 和 sewer lines 和 roads. 365足彩下载及其成员以前 公开反对该法案, which General Assembly staff projected would cost local governments upwards of $65 million in property tax revenue annually. 这一变化不会阻止地方政府不得不提供警察等服务, 火, 以及为这些物业提供固体废物服务, 所有这些都没有得到税收收入来支付. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

支持独立重新划分选区改革的365足彩下载创造了一个 网站 providing details about the effort 和 is continuing to seek support from municipal leaders regarding the issue. 到目前为止, 241名市政官员已经签约支持这项工作, 由夏洛特市前市长理查德·文鲁特和罗利市前市长查尔斯·米克尔领导. League members adopted as a 市政365体育足彩目标 the support of legislation calling for a nonpartisan means of drawing legislative 和 congressional districts. 两个月后, 365足彩下载理事会成员利兹·约翰逊,莫里斯维尔临时市长发言  正如众议院议员宣布的计划 两党立法 建立一个独立的选区重新划分程序. 该法案在本次会议上尚未表决.

就在几天前. 帕特·麦克罗里任命前达勒姆市长尼克·丁尼森为代理州交通部长, 州长决定延长这一任命. 坦尼森, who had been the Department of Transportation's Chief Deputy Secretary overseeing agency operational 和 support functions, 周四被任命为秘书. 他取代了托尼塔塔, who recently announced his resignation after serving as Transportation Secretary since the beginning of 政府ernor McCrory's term.

丁尼森部长从1997年到2001年担任达勒姆市市长. The League congratulates Secretary 坦尼森 on his appointment 和 looks forward to continuing to work with him. 阅读更多关于这次约会的信息 在这里.

众议院本周一致投票通过了参议院的修正案 HB 538 与供水及污水处理服务有关的更改最近的一个附加条款对污水处理系统提出了新的要求. 该法案现在交给了州长. 帕特·麦克罗里将被签署成为法律. It includes a provision added by the 森ate which would require wastewater systems to accept the collection of liquid condensate from residential heating 和 cooling systems.

要求废水系统接受这种液体, 特别是在请求大量连接时, 是否会引发对市政系统的担忧. The League hopes to address some of these concerns by seeking technical corrections in a separate technical amendments bill. 请在上周的 公告联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯